⚔️Trading Guilds


Trading Guilds will be a crucial component of Filament - a guild is a collective of users from a particular community. These guilds can participate in trading competitions as communitites and win rewards.

We initially started with NFT collections as the index of users who are aligned to a particular ecosystem but as we developed further on the concept we have learnt that there are multiple other avenues such as stakers, power users of a certain complimenting application, and ecosystem contributors (developers, ambassadors etc).

Check out the current trading guilds here.

Key Pointers for Trading Guilds:

  • Trading guilds are collectives of individual users, the individuals earn CREDITS when they trade on the Filament testnet and the cumulative credits of the guild members represent the score of the respective guild.

  • The winning guild (the guild with the most CREDITS at the end of the competition) will share a huge pool of additional CREDITS among the guild members based on the individual CREDITS to the collective CREDITS ratio.

  • At the start of the testnet, there will be multiple guilds. Out of all guilds, only the top 10 guilds will be retained during the capped launch - this is to incentivise the most active guilds.

  • After the testnet, the guilds can open up slots for all members and new members can join. A percentage of the total fee earned through the trading activity of the guild members will be translated into incentives for the top 5 guilds. This incentivises the top guilds and its members for their activity on the platform.

  • And of course, each guild gets the visibility and ability to demonstrate its dominance through the platform - a great way to get the community activated for a common goal

Last updated